Service / Turnkey Product Service

Transform Your Ideas into Market-Ready Products

Our Turnkey Product Service is your gateway to turning ideas into market-ready products without the hassle. With a focus on Product Design and Product Development, we pride ourselves on a comprehensive approach that covers every angle of the product lifecycle.

  • Concept to Completion

    From the moment you reach out to us, you're not just getting a service; you're gaining a partnership. With SHEPPiD, enjoy a smooth transition from concept to completion without the hassle of coordinating multiple teams for different phases of your project.

  • Expert Led Project Management

    Product development should be exciting, not exhausting. Our team of seasoned experts leads an end-to-end project management approach, covering every aspect of product design and development. From drafting the initial sketches to high-volume manufacturing, SHEPPiD is with you at every turn.

  • Detail-Oriented Design and Development

    Your product deserves attention to detail, and at SHEPPiD, that's what it gets. With a keen focus on cutting-edge design and robust development practices, we ensure your product not only meets but exceeds market expectations. With our thorough testing and refining process, every feature of your product is optimized for success.

  • Seamless Manufacturing to Market Distribution

    Whether you're aiming for high or low volume distribution, SHEPPiD has the infrastructure and expertise to deliver. Our seamless process guarantees that your product makes it from the manufacturing line to market shelves efficiently and effectively. We also cover labeling, packaging, and all the final touches that make your product stand out.

Book a Free Consultation Today​

Our team is ready to collaborate with you, interpreting deep market insights and innovative design principles to craft products that not only sell but become integral parts of your users’ lives.

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